High! Welcome to Ashley Jane’s personal lifestyle blog, where you’ll find my musings on all things cannabis, books, music, and other lifestyle thoughts .
Growing up, I was raised in a community that demonized cannabis and made it very clear that it shouldn’t be a part of your environment or vocabulary. It wasn’t until 2017, when I had my first experience with weed, that I realized how wrong those messages were. Despite being hesitant and intimidated by it in college, a chance encounter with an unknown edible in my late twenties led me to discover the joy and benefits of this plant, which has since changed the trajectory of my story and the way I live my life.
As a blogger, I found a new interest in blogging as a mental escape from my 9-to-5 job. My mission with this blog is to create a safe space for my cannareaders to read reviews, stoner tips, movies, music, and much more. I’m passionate about helping to destigmatize cannabis and sharing my perspective and life as someone who came to it later in life. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or new to the game, or just enjoy my musings, I hope to provide information, inspiration, and a community where we can learn, grow, and connect.
Thanks for stopping by, and I can’t wait to connect with you more. Let’s sesh and share some cannalove!
I’m grateful to have you here, and I hope you stay and have a sesh with me!
Meet Ashley Jane, a cannabis enthusiast who loves the San Fernando Valley (SFV) OG and Gorilla Glue (GG) #4 strains. She prefers to consume her cannabis via joints and enjoys munching on popcorn, gummy candy, and Dorito’s Nacho Cheese. Ashley’s favorite cannabis ritual involves taking a long, relaxing shower with music and candles while smoking a joint. If she could go on a dream cannabis vacation, AJ would love to visit Thailand to respectfully explore their culture and cannabis scene. In addition to being a daily pastime, cannabis also helps AJ manage her daily anxiety and migraines. When stoned, She loves to attend WNBA games, read books, and listen to her playlists on Spotify. She’s an avid fan of women’s basketball, and as a season ticket holder for her favorite team, she loves to experience the energy and excitement of the game.